Theoretical multivariable calculus (Math 25B)
Undergraduate course, Harvard University, 2018
This is a rigorous course on multivariable calculus with an emphasis on proof-writing and abstract mathematical reasoning. The main topics are differentiation, integration, and rigorous proofs of the classical theorems of calculus in a broad setting.
- Spivak, Calculus on manifolds
- Munkres, Analysis on manifolds
Topic schedule
Week 1 (Spivak Calculus Chapters 5-7)
Mon: Introduction, functions and limits
Wed: Limits and continuity (algebra of limits)
Fri: Continuity theorems (intermediate value, boundedness, maximum value theorems)
Week 2 (Spivak Calculus Chapter 8, Spivak CoM Chapter 1, Munkres Sections 1.3 and 1.4)
Mon: Least upper bound property (ordered fields, IVT, boundedness theorem)
Wed: Compactness (subsets of Euclidean space)
Fri: Heine-Borel theorem (onion rings, closed rectangles are compact, boundedness theorem)
Week 3 (Spivak Calculus Chapters 9-11)
Mon: Derivative in 1-dimension (definition, examples, chain rule)
Wed: Computing derivatives (chain rule, Rolle’s theorem, mean value theorem)
Fri: Polynomial approximations (L’Hospital’s rule, Taylor polynomials)
Week 4 (Spivak CoM Chapter 2, Munkres Sections 5-7)
Mon: Derivatives in R^n (directional derivatives, the derivative, examples)
Wed: Partial derivatives, (continuous partials theorem, C^1 functions, higher-order derivatives)
Fri: Chain rule, (applications: 1-d derivative rules, multivariable MVT, derivative of inverse)
Week 5 (Spivak CoM Chapter 2, Munkres Sections 8-9)
Mon: Presidents’ day (no class)
Wed: Inverse function theorem
Fri: Inverse function theorem proof
Week 6 (for manifolds: Hubbard Sections 3.0-3.2)
Mon: Least upper bound property revisited
Wed: Midterm
Fri: Manifolds, definitions, linked rods in the plane, manifold recognition
Week 7 (Hubbard 3.7)
Mon: Tangent spaces (of a graph, of a level set), implicit function theorem
Wed: Lagrange multipliers (intuition and proof)
Fri: applications of Lagrange multipliers (proof of spectral theorem)
Spring break
Week 8 (Spivak CoM pages 46-56, Munkres sections 10-12)
Mon: The integral (Archimedes method of exhaustion, defining the integral over rectangles)
Wed: Integrability criteria (measure 0 and content 0 sets)
Fri: Computing integrals (fundamental theorem of calculus)
Week 9 (Spivak CoM pages 56-66, Munkres sections 16-17)
Mon: Fubini’s theorem (proof and applications)
Wed: Change of variables (introduction, 1-dimensional COV)
Fri: Partitions of unity (existence theorem, bump functions, application to integration)
Week 10 (Spivak CoM 66-74, Munkres sections 18-20)
Mon: Diffeomorphisms (properties, local decomposition into primitive diffeomorphisms)
Wed: Midterm 2
Fri: Change of variables (primitive diffeomorphisms, proof of COV, application)
Week 11 (Hubbard sections 6.0-6.2, 6.4, 6.7-6.8)
Mon: Alternating algebra (elementary k-forms, wedge product)
Wed: Differential forms (examples in R^3, exterior derivative)
Fri: Forms and integration (integrating a k-form on R^n over a k-cube, pullbacks)
Week 12 (Spivak CoM 97-105)
Mon: Chains (examples, the boundary map, partial^2=0)
Wed: Stokes’ theorem (proof, examples)
Fri: Stokes’ application (winding numbers, fundamental theorem of algebra)
Week 13 (Spivak CoM 122-137)
Mon: Application of Stokes (Green and divergence theorems; areas, volumes, surface areas)
Wed (last class): Stokes application (Green’s theorem and planimeters)
Homework assignments
Lecture notes
A pdf of lecture notes taken by Michele Tienne (course assistant).