Algebraic topology II (Math 2420)
Graduate course, Brown University, 2025
- (2/13) There will be no class Tuesday 2/17 (university holiday).
- (2/13) HW3 is posted below and due next Friday 2/28.
- (2/6) HW2 is posted below and due next Friday 2/14.
- (2/2) Office hours for the semester are posted below. The first office hour will be Tuesday after class.
Course information
This is part two of a graduate course on algebraic topology. The main topics will be cohomology, Poincare duality, and homotopy theory.
Course objectives
Prove foundational results, do computations, understand theoretical trends, see applications.
Math 2410.
- Hatcher, Algebraic topology
- Bredon, Topology and geometry
Course expenses
Potentially none. Both textbooks are available online (Bredon through the Brown library webpage).
homework 30%, 1st midterm 30%, 2nd midterm 30%, final project 10%
Contact information
- Instructor: Bena Tshishiku (bena_tshishiku at
Course events
Lectures: Tu-Th 9-10:20am in Kassar 105
Office hours:
- Tuesday 10:30-11:30
- Wednesday 4-5, or 5-6 in weeks with a department colloquium
Important dates:
- Midterm 1: Week of March 3 (tentative)
- Midterm 2: Week of April 14 (tentative)
- Final projects: presented in class during reading period
There will be weekly assignments posted below and submitted on Gradescope. The homework is designed to increase your engagement with the material, with your peers, and with me.
Collaboration/academic honesty: Please collaborate, and ask for help if you are stuck. You are required to write your solutions alone and acknowledge the students you worked with. If you find yourself writing down things that you can’t explain, you should go back and think more about the problem.
LaTeX: Homework solutions must be typed in LaTeX.
Late homework policy: For your homework grade, I will drop the score from your lowest assignment. View this as a one-time “get out of jail free card” in the event that you oversleep, forget, have a midterm, etc. As a general rule, late homework will not be accepted. If you have a medical emergency, I will ask for a note from a doctor or a dean. If you have an emergency that affects your ability to complete the coursework, please notify me as early as possible.
Homework assignments.
HW1 (due 1/31). tex file, selected student solutions
HW2 (due 2/14). tex file
HW3 (due 2/28). tex file
Course materials
- For asynchronous discussions (e.g. questions about homework) we will use campuswire. Join here with access code 5653. This is the preferred way to ask questions about the homework or point out typos (rather than emailing me).
Final Project
Working in groups of 2, you’ll choose a topic and give an N-minute presentation during reading period.
The topic should be something related to the course that interests you.
As part of completing the final project, I will ask you to submit:
- A project proposal (due April 4)
- A project outline (due April 11)
- A draft of final presentation slides or talk notes (due April 18)
Additional information to come.
Topic schedule (subject to change)
- Week 1: Cohomology
- Thurs (1/23). Definition of cohomology, universal coefficient theorem
- Week 2: No class this week (I’m away at a conference)
- Tues (1/28). Please read Hatcher Section 3.1.
- Thurs (1/30).
- Fri (1/31). HW1 due
- Week 3: Kunneth theorem
- Tues (2/4). Homology of a product, tensor products and Tor, algebraic Kunneth theorem
- Thurs (2/6). Kunneth theorem, Eilenberg-Zilber theorem, acyclic models
- Fri (2/7).
- Week 4: Cup products
- Tues (2/11). Cup products, examples
- Thurs (2/13). Poincare duality
- Fri (2/14). HW2 due
- Week 5:
- Tues (2/18). No class (university holiday)
- Thurs (2/20). Poincare duality
- Fri (2/21). HW3 due
- Week 6:
- Tues (2/25).
- Thurs (2/27).
- Fri (2/28). HW4 due
- Week 7: Midterm 1 this week
- Tues (3/4).
- Thurs (3/6).
- Fri (3/7).
- Week 8:
- Tues (3/11).
- Thurs (3/13).
- Fri (3/15). HW5 due
- Week 9:
- Tues (3/18).
- Thurs (3/20).
- Fri (3/22). HW6 due
Week 10: Spring Break
- Week 11:
- Tues (4/1).
- Thurs (4/3).
- Fri (4/4). HW7 due, final project proposal due
- Week 12:
- Tues (4/8).
- Thurs (4/10).
- Fri (4/11). HW8 due, final project outline due
- Week 13: Midterm 2 this week
- Tues (4/15).
- Thurs (4/17).
- Fri (4/18). final project slides/notes due
- Week 14:
- Tues (4/22).
- Thurs (4/24).
- Fri (4/25).
- Week 15: Final project presentations
- Tues (4/29).
- Thurs (5/1).
End of course.