A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.
Characteristic classes of fiberwise branched covers via arithmetic groups
Michigan Math. J. 67 (2018), 31–58.Hyperbolic groups with boundary an n-dimensional Sierpinski space
with J. Lafont J. Topol. Anal. 11 (2019) 1, 233–247.Borel’s stable range for the cohomology of arithmetic groups
J. Lie Theory. 29(2019) 4, 1093-1102.Surface bundles in topology, algebraic geometry, and group theory
with N. Salter AMS Notices, Feb. 2020.Characteristic classes of bundles of K3 manifolds and the Nielsen realization problem
with J. Giansiracusa and A. Kupers Tunis. J. Math. 3 (2021) 1, 75-92.Geometric cycles and characteristic classes of manifold bundles
with appendix by M. Krannich Comment. Math. Helv. 96 (2021) 1, 1-45.Counting flat cycles in the homology of locally symmetric manifolds
with D. Studenmund arxiv: 2206.11986talks
Talk 1 on Relevant Topic in Your Field
Tutorial 1 on Relevant Topic in Your Field
Talk 2 on Relevant Topic in Your Field
Undergraduate course, University of Chicago, 2013
Multivariable Calculus (Math 21A)
Undergraduate course, Harvard University, 2016
Graduate topics course, Harvard University, 2017
Theoretical linear algebra (Math 25A)
Undergraduate course, Harvard University, 2017
Theoretical multivariable calculus (Math 25B)
Undergraduate course, Harvard University, 2018
Theoretical linear algebra (Math 25A)
Undergraduate course, Harvard University, 2018
Theoretical multivariable calculus (Math 25B)
Undergraduate course, Harvard University, 2019
Algebraic topology I (Math 2410)
Graduate course, Brown University, 2019
Algebraic topology II (Math 2420)
Graduate course, Brown University, 2020
Undergraduate course, Brown University, 2020
Undergraduate course, Brown University, 2021
Undergraduate course, Brown University, 2021
Signatures in topology, algebra, & dynamics (Math 2720)
Graduate topics course, Brown University, 2022
Undergraduate course, Brown University, 2023
Differential geometry (Math 1060)
Undergraduate course, Brown University, 2023
Algebraic topology II (Math 2420)
Graduate course, Brown University, 2024
Algebraic topology II (Math 2420)
Graduate course, Brown University, 2025